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Search for "propaganda" returned 22 matches

25th Anniversary of the Mandate of the OSCE Representative on Freedom on the Media – Can there be security without media freedom? - Reports

“Can there be security without media freedom?'' is a report published by the office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom on the Media. The scope of this document is to analyse the impact of technology on the media ecosystem and the challenges to overcome. The report formulates a list of recommendations directed to strengthening media freedom, human rights, democracy, and security in the years to come

Monitoring of the 2019 European Parliament election campaign in the main news programme of Polish public TV - Reports

Polish public TV fails to respect the rules of pluralism, impartiality, balance, and independence of content: this is the outcome of the monitoring of the main news programme “Wiadomości” in the two weeks before European elections

Freedom of Expression Trials in Turkey (June-December 2018) - Reports

The Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) and International Press Institute (IPI) prepared this report to provide a larger set of data on the Turkish court system in relation to freedom of expression trials. The data that is provided also aims to show the ECtHR and other relevant bodies that Turkey’s judicial system is far from being effective, speedy, or efficient

Public Service Media in the context of disinformation and propaganda - Reports

This report explores the critical role of the Public Service Media (PSM) in counteracting the widespread phenomenon of information disorder, calling for a joint action among relevant actors and highlighting core novel “best practices” and activities undertaken by public service media organizations worldwide

Informing the “disinformation” debate - Reports

A joint report by Access Now, Civil Liberties Union for Europe, and European Digital Rights discusses the Report by the High Level Expert Group on Fake News and Online Disinformation and related policy documents

Information Manipulation: A Challenge for Our Democracies - Reports

The joint report by the French Policy Planning Staff (CAPS) of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM) of the Ministry for the Armed Forces aims at developing a better understanding of the issue, mainly focusing on information manipulation orchestrated by States and whose purpose is to weaken democratic debate in other States

DRI - Disinformation Resilience in Central and Eastern Europe - Reports

An extensive research aimed at assessing national vulnerabilities and preparedness to adequately react to foreign-led disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe

The Oxygen of Amplification - Reports

The report, written by digital media scholar Whitney Phillips for Data&Society, shows how the far-right manipulated the media in 2016, discusses the relation between reporting and amplifying extremist ideology and suggests some tips to journalists on when and how to cover online harassment campaigns and manipulations

Turkey: Freedom of Expression in Jeopardy - Reports

The report, written for English PEN by two human rights experts, provides an overview of the state of freedom of expression in Turkey after the attempted coup in July 2016 and engages in a critical evaluation of the violations of the rights of writers, publishers, academics and within academic institutions

Nations in Transit 2018 – Hungary Country report - Reports

The “Nations in Transit” report on Hungary by Freedom House (2018) provides an overview of the country’s democratic institutions, including a section devoted to independent media